All of the equipment listed below is essential in order to follow modern mead-making practices. To help simplify the equipment required, we have created categories of equipment.


  1. Two-gallon food-grade plastic bucket, with lid (the lid should be tight-fitting and have a hole with a grommet installed for an airlock)

  2. One-gallon glass carboy

  3. Carboy bung, with a hole to fit the airlock

  4. Airlock for the bucket and carboy

Measuring Equipment

  1. Triple-scaled hydrometer

  2. 100ml cylinder

  3. Stick on thermometer

  4. Probe thermometer

  5. 250ml microwave-safe measuring jug

  6. Wine thief or a stainless steel turkey baster

  7. Large stainless steel spoon

  8. Baking scales

  9. Micro-accurate scales, accurate to 0.1g

Transferring and Bottling

  1. Auto-siphon with tubing

  2. Bottling stick

  3. Hand crown capper for 26mm caps or twin lever hand corker

  4. Bottlebrush